This picture is from the town of Versoix, near Geneva City, Switzerland. Makes me feel fairly grateful for the wee bit of ice I've had to deal with lately! (and reminds me NEVER to go world traveling in the winter!)
Things are much more boring in this corner of the world. Sunny skies, food in the fridge which will, hopefully, be turned into something both delicious and nutricious, and self-educating children who never worry about armed bullies.
Life is good. Especially when I stop to think about it!
I attended my FIRST Pampered Chef party this week. Apparently I was the last female on the planet to succumb. I believe they'll be a press release and pictures later. There was certainly applause. (???)
As for Pampered Chef - I'm still sitting on the fence. I did indeed order a stone-ware loafpan and covered mixing bowl that I'm sure will be useful in the kitchen. However, I was unimpressed by the large proliferation of plastic gadgets. I like neither plastic NOR gadgets - so was doubly doubtful. I'm also wondering how, after purchasing all these "kitchen savers" you have any space left in your kitchen to actually cook?
I suppose it's like most things - I'll take what I find useful and tactfully (or not) ignore the rest. {{sigh}} Unfortunately, as any person who has spoken to me for longer than 10 minutes will eagerly attest, I'm NOT known for my tact.
Oh well, I guess I can live with that!