Sunday, May 27, 2007


It's official. I'm old. Old folks go to bed early, prefer their own cooking to most restaurants, prefer to watch movies in the privacy of their home and wear comfortable clothes and shoes. Sign me up.

We took the children to their first drive-in movie last night. A great double feature, Shrek III and Pirates of the Caribbean III. We had to park ALL the way in the back, and couldn't see very well. Because we were in the next to last row, we were surrounded by people that.....I'm not normally (and never intentionally) surrounded by.

I must say, the children had a GREAT time. They sat outside, on fold up chairs, and made LOTS of friends. They were all asleep before the last movie ended, at 1:40am. John and I didn't get to bed until 2:30am.

I'm wiped. The kids were up by 7, I slept until 9. John and I both took afternoon naps - and I can't wait til bedtime. Pathetic. Oh yeah - and the only thing I managed to do today was obsess about how tired I was! Sad, very sad.

What can I say, I'm old. Pass the Geritol, please!

Thursday, May 24, 2007

The Awakening

It seems I've been running on less than all cylinders lately. I admit to having {great} difficulty in juggling everything - but this is ridiculous! I've been focusing on educating the children, so the housework was falling behind. Then I was semi-ill for a few days, and didn't get much done {except to take the five year old to get a log removed from the bottom of his foot}.

Yesterday I spent most of the day getting the year end homeschool reviews completed -they're due next week. And then I woke up and looked around.

Can you say "Chaos"? With a capital "CRAP!"? Yes, we had the mounds of laundry, a few dirty dishes waiting for the dishwasher to be unloaded, a family of dust bunnies, and the expected toys and books everywhere. What I didn't expect was the TRASH!

It seems that my children, as intelligent and delightful as they can be, quickly regress to swamp-like mentality when I'm distracted. They totally ignore me when told to do something, their arms become broken when asked to actually put something away, and they regard the world as their trashcan! Food wrappers, tags, bits of paper, used tissues - all of these things were flung with great abandon all over my home. ???????

So...just to be clear...I have a BS, an MS and most of a PhD and my current job title is....trash can monitor.

At any rate, I'm now recovered from my fugue, and am once again attempting to do it all. While cleaning last night - and sounding a bit too much like my mother, I must say - I did have the following altercation with my middle child:

Child: I want to go to school. (this while doing the math work she "forgot" to do ALL day - despite frequent requests.)

Me: School? You want to sit for six hours a day and do schoolwork - and ONLY EAT at lunchtime? You don't like sitting still for 10 minutes - and that's just so you can go get a snack! You want to go to school????"

Child: Well....I want to get away from you..........I love you, though.

Me: "Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa"

Yeah, it was lovely. She really wouldn't do well in school, she learns quite slowly and deliberately - and does NOT take direction well. The problem is - she takes speech therapy there once a week - and gets a lovely half hour of one-on-one attention from someone other than me - and gets to play games and get prizes and candy. So...she thinks this is school. And really doesn't believe me when I assure her - it's NOT.

And how was YOUR day???

Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Introvert, anyone?

I am a true-blue, dyed in the wool introvert. Most people don't believe this because I'm friendly, funny and not-too-subtle about letting my opinions known. Well, and I also LOVE to speak in front of a group - the more the merrier. But I have a hard time going up to strangers and introducing myself - and after public speaking, they all come up and introduce themselves to ME! Much better.

At any rate, I found a definition of introvert/extrovert that precisely explains my dilemma....

"The defining characteristic of an introvert or extrovert is where they get their strength. Ergo, an introvert may be the life of the party and have a wonderful time, but afterwards is drained and useless and needs time alone to refuel. An extrovert, however, will feel energized and alive after such an encounter, and will seek to repeat it immediately."

I'm an introvert. And I just had a wonderful, busy, fun, extended weekend with four houseguests - two of them children. We cooked, we ate, we sang, we played Rook, we went to the pool and the park - it was fantastic. And now I'd like to be locked in a sound-proof room with a bag of books and hourly coffee and scone service.

Hmmm...probably not going to happen unless the faeries come to shovel out the house and magically clean the mountains of laundry. Ah well. It was SO worth it!

Our visitors were T and her family. T being the best friend with stage IV cancer. She's doing great! Eliminating the estrogen has put her in remission for what we hope is a very, very, VERY long time. She has so much else to deal with on a daily basis, I'm glad cancer isn't at the front and center any more. Her birthday is this Friday, she's turning 36. I think it's the most beautiful number in the world, except perhaps for 37 - and so on!

Life is good if you take the time to enjoy it. And plan time for recuperation afterwards!