Monday, January 07, 2008

Happy New Year!

I'm back! {huff, puff, whew!} And I ran the entire way!

Well, ok, maybe not. But I DID get through the holidays without losing sanity, friends, children or my temper! Of course, everyone immediately became ill as soon as Christmas was over. I'm thinking all the yummy baking I did wasn't that helpful to our immune systems.

The good's WARM today! That 1900 house I call home is NOT cold weather friendly. Not to mention, the electric company annoyed me - and I now refuse to give them any more of our money than absolutely necessary! Except for the bathrooms - we're heating the house with the woodstove. Even when it hit 10 degrees F. (I did buy long underwear - to wear in the living room) It's funny, the cold doesn't bother the kids at all - they'll go around with bare feet!!! (can you say, "insane"???) Me, my feet arrive a good two minutes before the rest of me, I have on so many socks! Our rat terrier, Jadzia, is worse than I am. She starts giving me "the LOOK" at soon as it drops below 70. You know, the face that says, "If you really loved me, we'd move to California!!!"

At any rate - it's now 2008! Here's to finding ourselves and our strengths, and creating our best life!
