January has been an amazing month for me - I'm finally reconnecting to the Universe and finding my place and my voice. I'm working on unleasing my creativity - and sharing the results with the world.
I've made a door quilt to help insulate our living room, a quilt square for a friend's mother's blessingway, and many delicious, healthy meals {note: children may disagree with the last statement}.
Even better, I'm writing - a LOT. I have a regular post on Donne Tempo, an online womyn's magazine; I'm writing a tween's fiction novel - and researching the Civil War on the Eastern Shore for the book; AND....I wrote a song. Yup - ME! Actually, I used to write songs, but never really did anything with them. This time I'm lining up musicians and seeking options. I'll eventually record it to share with you!
Oh, AND...the picture of the dancing womyn? I DREW that!!! (and I don't draw!!!) My wonderful husband took the picture of the moon in our backyard, and superimposed the dancing womyn on it. The words are from my song - it sounds better put to music!
One month down - many to go. Isn't life a wonderful journey?
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