Monday, June 04, 2007

It's Monday - Please Send Chocolate!

Let's blood pressure is rising, my eyes are burning, I've developed a twitch, and I keep wanting to put my head through the wall. must be...MONDAY!!!

Monday - when we all try to accomplish some formal learning. Something OTHER than reading books. Monday - when we try to dig out the house from the weekend crazies. Monday - when we realize we are a vile, dirty, disgusting people. Monday - when peanut butter magically appears on the kitchen cabinets, trash multiplies under tables, animals mysteriously knock over everything, and children forget how to a)clean up their messes and b)LISTEN to their MOTHER!

Monday, when the responsibilities of work, homeschooling, housekeeping, mothering, and being a reasonable human being all mesh into some snarling lump of humanity.

Monday, when you realize all those things you DIDN'T get done last week are now perched to bite you on the butt.

Monday, when the socks are all unmatched and the underwear is all dirty.

Monday, when the kids have three settings: hungry, whiny, or screaming.

Monday, the day the chocolate died.

1 comment:

The subversive housewife said...

If I had chocolate, I'd be in the car. I'm not even sure I have appropriate food at this point, but chocolate would be better. :-P