Tuesday, July 22, 2008

The Un-Runner Has Left the Driveway!

Some people get stuck in non-productive ruts. Me? I head straight for the Grand Canyon of Un-Productivity. I don't know if everyone takes these unexpected detours - or if I'm just "special". (yeah, I vote "special", too!) The good news is each time I detour I lose less ground than before - and I recover quicker.

In my current quest for a doable routine that allows me to juggle the many, many plates in my life - I've gotten back to running! I've read that many, many successful people run every morning. Since I WILL be successful, I must run every morning - yes?

In an effort of full disclosure - it hasn't been EVERY morning - I tend to walk more than I run - and this morning's run got cut quite short because it had gotten waaaay too hot before I made it away from the computer and out onto the street. However - I AM making progress!

I really applaud you folks who manage to run 20 miles (Go Amy!) or bike 60. I won't be joining you, however. I'll hold down the homefront - educating the children, figuring out new ways to cook zucchini, and making sure we have plenty of iced tea! (ok - I'm also writing a book, running a writing & public speaking career, and organizing quite a few things for the local homeschooling population - but you get the idea. Most of these things do NOT require sweating.)

To be fair, my proudest accomplishment of the week: my children are doing daily household chores! Honest! The six year old vacuumed this morning and took care of the dogs, the nine & ten year olds cared for the cats & chickens then cleaned tables & emptied trash. And THEN they worked on their bedrooms! What manifested this miracle, you ask? I made a chart. Yup. Didn't even promise them anything for doing the work, just said we were ALL going to contribute to the household - a little bit every day. I don't know how long it will last - but for now it's working! (we're all a little routine challenged in this happy home)

So...we're all trying the new routines. Unfortunately, I always wear out BEFORE my schedule says it's rest time. In fact, it's now time for me to oversee the education portion of our day - and I'm not sure what we're doing yet. As Robert Frost said:

I have promises to keep
And miles to go before I sleep.


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