It is indeed, officially, winter. I was quite excited when my daughter informed me of this - the twenty degree temperatures and 25 mile per hour winds hadn't tipped me off. The craziness of December is almost over - just the food dilemma remains. We're preparing to snuggle into our drafty abode and ride out January - while waiting to see if the kids develop chicken pox.
We've stacked up on books - my 10 year old and 7 year old are into the Harry Potter series - as evidenced by jumping children throwing spells at their siblings. We've had to institute a few rules....1) no unforgivable curses and 2)you may NOT use knitting needles as wands. I'm pretty sure more rules will be added on a regular basis.
I finished and mailed the baby kimono and hat to my great nephew yesterday. It's not perfect - but it looks pretty good AND I finished it before he was 3 weeks old - I'm pretty excited! Yay, Me!
Our chickens are laying beautiful brown or green eggs! We're getting about 5-6 eggs per day - from eight hens. They free range in our fenced back yard - with only occasional escapes. We're talking about adding a few more chickens - but will have to screen in the back porch or something. The amount of chicken poop piling up is starting to be alarming. We figure we'll have to cut the grass twice a week next summer, after all that fertilizer!
We're busy with Mid Shore Life Magazine - and looking for more local submissions - if you're on the eastern shore. It's been fun visiting local places and writing about them.
Happy Holidays, my friends. May the new year bring peace, joy and abundance -in all things.