Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Baby steps....again.

I'm working on getting back in shape...slowly. I managed a half hour run yesterday - though it was broken up by the power flickering off. I'm drinking more water, and eating healthier foods.

Of course, my five year old has a fever today - which means I've spent the last 4 hours holding him - so my run (and diet) for today could be in jeopardy! I spent the time reading up on nutrition and diet - I need encouragement to eat well! And...as long as I leave the spinach out for a while - all should be good!

Baby steps....I can do this! (albeit SLOWER than most people!!!)


Wes said...

Yes, you can! Five year old comes first. To some people, balance comes naturally. To others, you have to work at it. Adaptability allows us to achieve balance when things don't go our way!

[rich] said...

"Slower than most people" that would be all of us ;-)