Monday, September 11, 2006

A new week...

Let's lessons: ummm....don't overcommit.....learn to juggle....drink LOTS of water....schedule regular time for healthy food! Pretty much the opposite of EVERYTHING I did last week.

I survived the week. I got everything done I HAD to get done (and NOTHING else). Including more running. I couldn't go to the group run on Saturday - had to give a six hour training class and then go to a pig roast in support of my girlfriend's marathon. Yesterday (Sunday) I crashed. Literally. Could barely lift my arms - let along my feet to run. I feel better today - although a whole new "to-do" list has started. Oiy.

I have to say, I was also intimidated by the goal of 12-14 miles - since my longest is 7 miles. I think I'll take your advice - and just shoot for 8-9 miles. Safe is more important than distance!

If you're new, please check out my cancer webpage at
And thank you for your support!

1 comment:

Wes said...

Some wise guy said the "important things are interfering with the important things!" Glad you are able to squeeze in your running. You deserve your running time 3-4 days a week.