Tuesday, July 25, 2006

The Leader of the Pack

July 22, 2006

I had my alarm set for 5am today. I was going to jog/walk 3 miles OUTSIDE, then my husband was going for a 12 mile bike ride. Unfortunately, the thunder, lightening and rain woke me before the alarm. According the weather report, it’s going to storm off and on all day –which means we also can’t take the family bike ride we had planned for later, meeting up with T and her gang.

The weather cleared before 8am – so I dressed in running shorts, sport top, and hand held water bottle. No MP3, no hat, no stuff. I hit the road, alternating between a fast walk and a slow jog, and went 1.5 miles out and back. I did 3 miles in 45 minutes – outside! And….I felt great when it was over. Hot, but not particularly tired! Wow!

And, for the thrill seekers among you….. I had my first encounter with large, less than friendly dogs. They were quite a distance away but began barking and running towards me. One of these dogs had attacked my rat terrier when we were walking last summer – actually had my poor 10lb wuppie in it’s teeth off of the ground before the dog’s owner called it away. The guy never said anything to me, or asked about my dog. Sooo….I knew I was on my own with these two. Actually, the guy was calling them, sort of. They just ignored him, too busy crossing the field to get to me! I stopped and faced them as they got closer, then when they were three feet away I yelled “STOP!......NO….GO HOME….NOW!!!!” All issued in my best Rambo voice. They had stopped cold and ceased barking when I barked the first command – they locked eyes with me – I gave them my most ferocious hairy eyeball – and they turned and trotted meekly home!!!! WAHOO!!!!! Make no mistake who’s the pack leader around here! I was actually more mad than scared – and was quite prepared to fight the mongrels.

I felt very strong and independent as I resumed my jog. Unstoppable.

Very cool.

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