Monday, February 05, 2007

All I want is a room somewhere..

Far away from the cold night air
And an enormous chair
Oh wouldn't it be loverly?

I tried to find a picture of Eliza Doolittle warming her hands, but failed. In short - I'm COLD!!!! And I'm inside, relatively near the raging woodstove. Doesn't seem to matter, my fingers and toes are frigid. Yup, it's below 20 degrees and our walls have disappeared.

Not even tea is helping me warm up - perchance it's time for a hot bath and a cuppa something stronger??? (besides, my brown betty teapot fell apart a few days ago, so I'm back to tea bags. It's just NOT the same)

I hope it warms up soon - we're taking a field trip to Baltimore's Inner Harbor tomorrow morning, to visit the national aquarium. We haven't been to the aquarium since the kids were tiny - and that was a DISASTER! Three small children - and no strollers allowed. Hopefully, tomorrow will be MUCH better - especially because John's working, so it's just me!

Stay warm!

1 comment:

Wes said...

Oh my. Don't catch yourself on fire! and something stronger makes your mind "think" its warmer :-)