I have amazing friends. This particular friend is Angela - and she made this BIRTHDAY CAKE for her daughter's sixth birthday! The writing says "Happy Birthday Bailey", and said 6 year old REQUESTED a Chinese birthday theme. I love homeschooling! [Eat socks, Barney!] I can't get the close-up of the marzipan lo mein to load, but it is absolutely amazing!

Angela's the Martha Stewart of creativity. She sews, she cooks, she bakes....and she actually finishes things! I plan, purchase materials, and begin....and then the vision in my head collides bloodily with my actual talent -or lack thereof. I borrowed Angela's cake decorating kit to make Kathryn's birthday cake - note you NEVER saw a picture of the finished product. The kids liked it- and we'll stop there. {{{sigh}}}
I think I'll have to stick to writing. I'm actually working on a childrens' book - inspired by my find at a used book store this weekend. I came across the Coronation Souvenir Book from 1937. Wonderful articles and pictures of King George VI and the Princess Elizabeth. Now I just have to find time and space to actually be creative, which is difficult when surrounded by whining children. It's too cold for them to play outside - so they're using their favorite alternate playground, which is anywhere within three feet of ME!
John actually took all three to the YMCA yesterday - and I got 4+ blessed hours ALONE! I spent an hour simply listening to the silence, then an hour cleaning. By then, the lack of distractions had allowed my creative streak to be heard once more. I spent the next two hours crocheting, baking biscotti, and playing with different scenarios for books. I want to write. I will write. I must write!
But first, I must open the peanut butter.
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