Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Life, part 4267

Wahoo! It's a balmy 45 degrees F. outside! I'm ready to hit the beach! To say the least, my hands and feet have finally thawed out, and I've even let the woodstove have a break!

Kathryn was sick yesterday, and spent the day in my bed watching Shirley Temple movies (from my mom) and my collection of old American musicals. It's a good thing she's homeschooled - she's beginning to acquire my tendency to break into song (old songs) whenever possible. She's better today, and is attacking the new spelling/vocabulary lesson I printed out. Not singing about it, though. {{sigh}}

As for to-do list is reaching alarming proportions. I suppose I could always strangle myself with it? Wait....and then, instead of the usual epithet on the headstone, the list could just be continued.....

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