Nothing exciting on the running front....except I need to do more of it! Thirty minutes on the treadmill has been my best this week. Yeesh.
Hectic day: taking the kids to a butterfly garden about 2 hours away (homeschool field trip) and tonight I have an interview with a cable show yet another hour away - but in the opposite direction! I'll be talking about the marathon, The Wellness Center, and why I'm running. I have doubts that anyone will actually see the interview - I think it will air in about 10 days - but at least I'll be getting out there and talking!
We're getting back into the fall need a vacation!
Thursday, August 31, 2006
Monday, August 28, 2006
Owies and Questions

Can you say, "OUCH!"? Let's see...yesterday I did some cross-training - biking. No big deal - except they just tarred and chipped our road - and biking on it is sort of like biking through....sand?...mud?.....quicksand??? At any rate - it's nasty! I could have walked faster than I was peddling! Only went 4 miles, and my legs were burning when I returned home. So much so that I misjudged my dismount and hit the concrete slab going into our garage. I was thrown forward, cracked my pubic bone on the bike (again with the OUCH) then fell off the bike into the mosquito magnet with the bike and my legs in a tangled heap. Yeesh.
This morning I arose at 5am to run. Dressed and prepared to leave - realized it was raining. Decided "real runners" don't let a little rain stop them, and went anyway! Yeah!
Did I mention it was dark? Really, really dark? Think dark country road, middle of nowhere, with a nasty re-chipped road (and no shoulders!). The cars were freaking me out - so I was hugging the edge of the road when one approached - sometimes stepping into the weeds. Since I couldn't see where I was going, I ended up wrenching my knee by stepping in a hole or a rut or something. I hobbled home and applied ice - it doesn't feel too bad at the moment.
The question is...I know people run in the dark. How??? What do I need? I didn't feel safe - and obviously wasn't. By the time it's light my husband is getting ready to leave the house and I have no time for a run.
By the way...I really, really hate the new road surface.
Happy Monday, everyone! If you're new, please check my cancer page at
Thank you!
Saturday, August 26, 2006
Wait for it....
I walked/jogged 5.75 miles today! Wahoo!!! This was our group run - but I was the only non-walker. Worked out great, because our trainer, Harlan Eagle, just ran with me! I started w/ walk/jog ratios of 1:3, and ended up with 2.5:2.5. (that means I jogged 2.5 minutes, then walked 2.5 minutes. I even sprinted the last bit! (well - I started to sprint, felt great, and then my heart decided I was being a bit stupid and reminded me to take it slow by trying to jump out of my throat!)
We did all of our stretching back at The Wellness Center, then I left to do my crazy Saturday grocery run. Crazy because sane people know better than to shop on Saturday!
I still feel good - though I'm tired. And it's evening - so the kids are acting wild and crazy. The nighttime frenzies just started a week or so ago - and I am SO ready for them to be over!!!
I went 5.75!!!!!!
We did all of our stretching back at The Wellness Center, then I left to do my crazy Saturday grocery run. Crazy because sane people know better than to shop on Saturday!
I still feel good - though I'm tired. And it's evening - so the kids are acting wild and crazy. The nighttime frenzies just started a week or so ago - and I am SO ready for them to be over!!!
I went 5.75!!!!!!
Thursday, August 24, 2006
Happy Days are Here Again!
What a difference a day makes! (to really get the effect - you MUST sing those 2 lines - go back - sing them.....I'll wait.........Thank you! Now we're having an actual chat - and you're being forced to listen to me sing. Ah.)
I'm doing MUCH better now - the marathon cleaning put the house under control - and I have a system for management that seems doable - but time will be the test. I did run that night - with three little kids and two small dogs. Our first family fitness run! (the kids finally got decent sneakers - New Balance) It was....interesting. I had two dogs on leashes in my left hand, and Gabriel hanging on to my right. We did a walk/slow jog/walk/slow walk/stop/slow jog/turn around cause kids are whining/walk kind of thing. It wasn't bad, for a first attempt. I think the dogs got the most exercise. (rat terrier and shitz tzu - needed lots of steps to keep up!)
Yesterday was Gabe's 5th birthday - and our 10th wedding anniversary. (how was THAT for good timing? Our third child was born on our 5th wedding anniversary - at home!) John took off work early and we all went to the zoo to celebrate.
I also managed to run 3 miles on the treadmill. I sloooowed down my jogging pace and am working on less frequent walk breaks. Oiy. I have so far to go. It's a good thing I have the marathon as a goal - I don't think I'd push myself otherwise.
And yet....when I run...I also keep on top of the house....which then allows me the space and organization to homeschool, to work, to create and to dream. The running and the house fell apart simultaneously - I wonder which triggers the other? Or does the mental funk come first - and everything falls apart around that? Hmmm...
Thank you for your support, and thanks for checking out my cancer page at
I'm doing MUCH better now - the marathon cleaning put the house under control - and I have a system for management that seems doable - but time will be the test. I did run that night - with three little kids and two small dogs. Our first family fitness run! (the kids finally got decent sneakers - New Balance) It was....interesting. I had two dogs on leashes in my left hand, and Gabriel hanging on to my right. We did a walk/slow jog/walk/slow walk/stop/slow jog/turn around cause kids are whining/walk kind of thing. It wasn't bad, for a first attempt. I think the dogs got the most exercise. (rat terrier and shitz tzu - needed lots of steps to keep up!)
Yesterday was Gabe's 5th birthday - and our 10th wedding anniversary. (how was THAT for good timing? Our third child was born on our 5th wedding anniversary - at home!) John took off work early and we all went to the zoo to celebrate.
I also managed to run 3 miles on the treadmill. I sloooowed down my jogging pace and am working on less frequent walk breaks. Oiy. I have so far to go. It's a good thing I have the marathon as a goal - I don't think I'd push myself otherwise.
And yet....when I run...I also keep on top of the house....which then allows me the space and organization to homeschool, to work, to create and to dream. The running and the house fell apart simultaneously - I wonder which triggers the other? Or does the mental funk come first - and everything falls apart around that? Hmmm...
Thank you for your support, and thanks for checking out my cancer page at
Tuesday, August 22, 2006
Shades of blue
I'm having a deep blue funky kind of day. Haven't run yet - hopefully that will help. I've been marathon cleaning all day, trying to re-establish order. It feels as satisfying - and long lasting - as nailing jello to a tree. {{{sigh}}}
I'm working on improving my ability to juggle many different things - without messing up everything. I have no clue how some people do everything so...effortlessly. It seems as if as soon as I focus on one thing - three other things fall apart. I have made anal list after anal list....I just need to pick one and commit to it!
Another reason for the funk...Theresa found out that a young woman she had met and talked with at a cancer support group died -leaving 2 very young children. Yet another casualty of breast cancer. We've read her online journal - which is being kept up by her husband. It's heart breaking. And terrifying.
I've noticed that the less empowered I feel, the more disorganized I become -and more likely to have a "bad cancer day". For you lucky ones that don't know what that entails... it means panic breathing, overwhelming memories of a terrifying diagnosis, and sleepless nights as you fear the future. [For any newbies: I don't have cancer - but my best friend was diagnosed 8 months ago with Stage IV breast cancer - at age 34. She's doing great, although she's considered "incurable"]
I need to run. Far, fast and furious.
On an up husband, John, completed the metric century bike ride in Lancaster, PA on Sunday. 65 miles - and according to John - 62 of them were uphill! Way to go, Sweetie!
I'm working on improving my ability to juggle many different things - without messing up everything. I have no clue how some people do everything so...effortlessly. It seems as if as soon as I focus on one thing - three other things fall apart. I have made anal list after anal list....I just need to pick one and commit to it!
Another reason for the funk...Theresa found out that a young woman she had met and talked with at a cancer support group died -leaving 2 very young children. Yet another casualty of breast cancer. We've read her online journal - which is being kept up by her husband. It's heart breaking. And terrifying.
I've noticed that the less empowered I feel, the more disorganized I become -and more likely to have a "bad cancer day". For you lucky ones that don't know what that entails... it means panic breathing, overwhelming memories of a terrifying diagnosis, and sleepless nights as you fear the future. [For any newbies: I don't have cancer - but my best friend was diagnosed 8 months ago with Stage IV breast cancer - at age 34. She's doing great, although she's considered "incurable"]
I need to run. Far, fast and furious.
On an up husband, John, completed the metric century bike ride in Lancaster, PA on Sunday. 65 miles - and according to John - 62 of them were uphill! Way to go, Sweetie!
Saturday, August 19, 2006
And a jogger is born...
I went over 4 miles today! (we got mixed up and went a bit further than the allotted four miles) As I mentioned previously - I'm with the walking group. I walked the first 2 mile loop with them, then started a slow jog. One of the trainers joined me - and I jogged a LOT more than my norm! I still walked occasionally when my heart rate needed controlling, but I didn't walk long! It really was much easier with someone else next to me!
I felt great!
I noticed some muscle stiffness an hour after the run (and a mysterious sharp groin pain that thankfully hasn't reappeared) but nothing unusual. Finished my errands and arrived home three hours later - and am now moving like Grandma Moses! Nothing overly painful - but I start to jump up out of the chair - and nothing happens! "Oh yeah...slooowly does it!" The funny thing is....the aches make me smile!
No one warned me of these strange feelings. Hurting feels good??? And I must confess: I bought a Trail Runners magazine today and began reading about crazy people who run 50 or 100 miles up mountains. The really strange thing - I began looking for similar trails for me to train on! "Hello, do I know you??? You resemble a sane womyn I once knew!"
I also signed up my girls for dance classes today...they're both in Ballet and Jazz. Gabe tried it last year - but wasn't impressed. (also...can't really follow directions that well yet)We go to this great dance studio in Easton called "Dance Harrison Street". It's my third year there - and I'm continually impressed by the quality of the instruction and the choreography. Kathryn's really into it - and wants to be a ballerina. I'm not sure they have 6 foot ballerina's - but she's certainly graceful enough.
John's loading his truck - he and a buddy are leaving at 3:30 am for a Metric Century Bike Ride in Lancaster, PA. He's really excited - he hasn't done anything like this before. I bought him quite a few gels (and a spare inner tube) this morning. I haven't tried the gels - haven't really run far enough to need them yet. I'll have to start soon though - apparently it's NOT a good idea to save them for race day!
Have a peaceful Sunday!
Oh case you were wondering....the septic guys WERE delightful....and quite needed. {{{SMILE}}} I can now wash and flush with the best of them. John's still not convinced, however. (but he did all the laundry while I was running - so I'm going to have to keep him!)
I felt great!
I noticed some muscle stiffness an hour after the run (and a mysterious sharp groin pain that thankfully hasn't reappeared) but nothing unusual. Finished my errands and arrived home three hours later - and am now moving like Grandma Moses! Nothing overly painful - but I start to jump up out of the chair - and nothing happens! "Oh yeah...slooowly does it!" The funny thing is....the aches make me smile!
No one warned me of these strange feelings. Hurting feels good??? And I must confess: I bought a Trail Runners magazine today and began reading about crazy people who run 50 or 100 miles up mountains. The really strange thing - I began looking for similar trails for me to train on! "Hello, do I know you??? You resemble a sane womyn I once knew!"
I also signed up my girls for dance classes today...they're both in Ballet and Jazz. Gabe tried it last year - but wasn't impressed. (also...can't really follow directions that well yet)We go to this great dance studio in Easton called "Dance Harrison Street". It's my third year there - and I'm continually impressed by the quality of the instruction and the choreography. Kathryn's really into it - and wants to be a ballerina. I'm not sure they have 6 foot ballerina's - but she's certainly graceful enough.
John's loading his truck - he and a buddy are leaving at 3:30 am for a Metric Century Bike Ride in Lancaster, PA. He's really excited - he hasn't done anything like this before. I bought him quite a few gels (and a spare inner tube) this morning. I haven't tried the gels - haven't really run far enough to need them yet. I'll have to start soon though - apparently it's NOT a good idea to save them for race day!
Have a peaceful Sunday!
Oh case you were wondering....the septic guys WERE delightful....and quite needed. {{{SMILE}}} I can now wash and flush with the best of them. John's still not convinced, however. (but he did all the laundry while I was running - so I'm going to have to keep him!)
Friday, August 18, 2006
Of ships and sails and septic tanks...
This STINKS! Literally. I'm waiting for the lovely Mr. Rooter and his delightful septic cleaning devices. Actually, I have no clue if Rooter and crew are delightful or not - but I'm anticipating being able to do mountains of laundry, bathe three stinky children, and flush a toilet without praying. My husband, of the engineering/coding mindset, believes that a properly installed septic system should never require maintenance. The rest of the civilized world, it seems, believes otherwise. After yelling at my four year old this morning - for FLUSHING the toilet (usually yelling at him for NOT flushing) I gave up and made the call. Now I'm hoping that Mr. Rooter finds the septic system in desperate need of attention - or they'll be no living with my husband - who still thinks he can fix this. Oiy.
I did my 30 minutes on the treadmill this morning - only interrupted three times. Not too bad! I have my long group run tomorrow - I think it's 4 miles. The more active I become, the less my heart arythmia has been acting up. Too cool!
I also have Summerfest today and tomorrow - Denton's summer festival. I'm helping man the Mid-Shore Adult Education booth. Supposed to help set up - I hope Mr. Rooter arrives soon!
Ugh! My children are eating coffee beans! Isn't that bizarre? I'm a coffee lover/fanatic from waaay back (and usually take it without cream and sugar) - so when they started munching away on the beans as toddlers I eagerly joined in. DISGUSTING! Definitely needs to be chocolate covered! They love them. All three kids. Weirdos.
Please remember to check out my cancer webpage:
I did my 30 minutes on the treadmill this morning - only interrupted three times. Not too bad! I have my long group run tomorrow - I think it's 4 miles. The more active I become, the less my heart arythmia has been acting up. Too cool!
I also have Summerfest today and tomorrow - Denton's summer festival. I'm helping man the Mid-Shore Adult Education booth. Supposed to help set up - I hope Mr. Rooter arrives soon!
Ugh! My children are eating coffee beans! Isn't that bizarre? I'm a coffee lover/fanatic from waaay back (and usually take it without cream and sugar) - so when they started munching away on the beans as toddlers I eagerly joined in. DISGUSTING! Definitely needs to be chocolate covered! They love them. All three kids. Weirdos.
Please remember to check out my cancer webpage:
Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Hooray! I've finally figured out how to upload a picture! Now to get it moved over to the "About Me" column. Hmmm....
I've been spending 30 minutes on the treadmill each day. I'll do longer runs twice a week. It's difficult to get 30 minutes without one or more children needing an immediate answer to mind-boggling questions such as, "Is it my turn on the computer?, Did you tell Gabe he could jump on the furniture? Can I eat candy until my eyes bug out???"
We attempted to get a picture with the children - as you can tell, 2/3 of the group aren't thrilled with the idea!

From left to right we have Kathryn (8), Jesse (7) and Gabriel (4). He'll be 5 next week. While we were out running around yesterday at least 5 different people informed my children that "School starts next week!" (Did you notice this is always imparted with a gleeful chuckle?) Anyway, I had to keep explaining that we homeschool - which just got confused looks. I'm not sure if they didn't understand the concept, or were shocked that I appeared normal but was, most certainly, insane. One guy talking to them was a math teacher who asked, "Do you have someone teaching you math???" [Duh! Whadda they need math for? They gots 10 fingers and toes to count on!] When he found out we were working on Fibonacci numbers, he suddenly looked interested. Yeesh.
Hmmm...the kids are all wearing swimsuits and sporting gooey white noses (a tad too much suncscreen) I guess that means my computer time is officially up!
Monday, August 14, 2006
Rucka rucka rucka
I did NOT have a good day today. Cranky children, clogged pipes and more bills. Drove an hour to pick up the dogs from the kennel - and the bill was twice what I was expecting! It seems that I paid dearly for the "convenience" of not taking them to my vet and instead letting the kennel update the shots.
Finally got back home - tired, discouraged and cranky. I was tempted to collapse on the couch with a good book and just be miserable all night. Decided to hit the treadmill instead - and realized it has been a long time since I had a solid, timed run. I only did 2 miles (in 30 minutes) but I feel SO much better! Aaaahhh. Tomorrow I'll go for three!
Did I's good to be home?
Finally got back home - tired, discouraged and cranky. I was tempted to collapse on the couch with a good book and just be miserable all night. Decided to hit the treadmill instead - and realized it has been a long time since I had a solid, timed run. I only did 2 miles (in 30 minutes) but I feel SO much better! Aaaahhh. Tomorrow I'll go for three!
Did I's good to be home?
Sunday, August 13, 2006
There's No Place Like Home!
Yay! Vacation is over! Yesterday I spent 13 hours traveling with one husband and three children. Nuff said?
We were in the coal-mining mountains of SW Virginia - with the occasional drive to Tennessee. It's a curious area. Absolutely gorgeous hills and mountains - kudzu covering almost everything - tiny, shack like houses or trailers with two satellite dishes (I guess because of all the mountains?) and the most beautiful lawns you've ever seen (all on hills you'd think would require goats for maintenance!). My in-laws live at the top of a mountain in the middle of no-where - and they have city water and sewage, cable tv and access to high-speed internet! I can't get high-speed internet - and we have a well and septic system! What is this??? Yeesh.
I worked on my hillwork a couple of times - the hills were so pretty it was easy! husband ran with me once. He's in training for a 100 mile bike trek - and is up to about 40 miles - so he was feeling fairly competent. Nope! He says running is a totally different animal - he felt so out of shape. I felt GREAT (na-na-na NAH na!) He's quite competitive - so I know he'll eventually leave me in the dust - but I enjoyed the moment!
Spent a LOT of time playing with the kids - soccer and badminton. We really got into the badminton - it was great! I couldn't have done it a month ago - my health and fitness have really improved since I started running! And....I'm still such a beginner! I have so far to go - how fit will I be feeling then??? Wow - it's mind boggling!
Now...on to business. As you know, I'm running this marathon to raise money for The Wellness Center, in support of my best friend who's dealing with stage IV breast cancer at age 35. This morning I realized I had received another donation on my fundraising page from a complete stranger who's also dealing with Stage IV breast cancer. I was trying to thank her (a stock thank you goes out immediately) but realized the webpage protects the email address of supporters, and I have no way of contacting anyone! I don't know how people reach my blog and my donor page - but I'm so grateful for everyone's support -financial and emotional.
Cancer sucks. It's devastating, it's potentially life-threatening and it's everywhere. No one is safe. It does have some redeeming features, however. Cancer makes you re-evaluate your life and your choices - you start deciding how you want to spend your days and your moments - rather than just going with the flow. You find strength in yourself you never knew existed - and can get a taste of just how powerful you are.
Cancer got me to run. My fitness level was pathetic - but the thought of fighting cancer got me to propel my feet to the next telephone pole. Cancer is getting me out of my dream world - and encouraging me to make those dreams a reality. I don't have cancer - but I still have only a limited number of days - and I want those days to count.
I don't have the skills or the genius to cure cancer. But I do have the ability to encourage others to make every day count - to seek out and live a life with purpose. This is our shot, our time in the sun. It doesn't matter where we start or what obstacles are placed in front of us. It only matters to find something we believe in - and pursue it with every fiber of our being. Like running - it's the journey, not the finish line - that matters.
Please visit my fundraising page:
We were in the coal-mining mountains of SW Virginia - with the occasional drive to Tennessee. It's a curious area. Absolutely gorgeous hills and mountains - kudzu covering almost everything - tiny, shack like houses or trailers with two satellite dishes (I guess because of all the mountains?) and the most beautiful lawns you've ever seen (all on hills you'd think would require goats for maintenance!). My in-laws live at the top of a mountain in the middle of no-where - and they have city water and sewage, cable tv and access to high-speed internet! I can't get high-speed internet - and we have a well and septic system! What is this??? Yeesh.
I worked on my hillwork a couple of times - the hills were so pretty it was easy! husband ran with me once. He's in training for a 100 mile bike trek - and is up to about 40 miles - so he was feeling fairly competent. Nope! He says running is a totally different animal - he felt so out of shape. I felt GREAT (na-na-na NAH na!) He's quite competitive - so I know he'll eventually leave me in the dust - but I enjoyed the moment!
Spent a LOT of time playing with the kids - soccer and badminton. We really got into the badminton - it was great! I couldn't have done it a month ago - my health and fitness have really improved since I started running! And....I'm still such a beginner! I have so far to go - how fit will I be feeling then??? Wow - it's mind boggling!
Now...on to business. As you know, I'm running this marathon to raise money for The Wellness Center, in support of my best friend who's dealing with stage IV breast cancer at age 35. This morning I realized I had received another donation on my fundraising page from a complete stranger who's also dealing with Stage IV breast cancer. I was trying to thank her (a stock thank you goes out immediately) but realized the webpage protects the email address of supporters, and I have no way of contacting anyone! I don't know how people reach my blog and my donor page - but I'm so grateful for everyone's support -financial and emotional.
Cancer sucks. It's devastating, it's potentially life-threatening and it's everywhere. No one is safe. It does have some redeeming features, however. Cancer makes you re-evaluate your life and your choices - you start deciding how you want to spend your days and your moments - rather than just going with the flow. You find strength in yourself you never knew existed - and can get a taste of just how powerful you are.
Cancer got me to run. My fitness level was pathetic - but the thought of fighting cancer got me to propel my feet to the next telephone pole. Cancer is getting me out of my dream world - and encouraging me to make those dreams a reality. I don't have cancer - but I still have only a limited number of days - and I want those days to count.
I don't have the skills or the genius to cure cancer. But I do have the ability to encourage others to make every day count - to seek out and live a life with purpose. This is our shot, our time in the sun. It doesn't matter where we start or what obstacles are placed in front of us. It only matters to find something we believe in - and pursue it with every fiber of our being. Like running - it's the journey, not the finish line - that matters.
Please visit my fundraising page:
Monday, August 07, 2006
Vacation Time!
My long Monday run was cut short this morning. I managed 3 miles in 45 minutes - had to walk the last half due to mysterious sharp pains under my left knee. It began to rain about halfway, too - a gentle, spirit cleansing sprinkle that was delightful! It's funny....I used to feel sorry for runners/walkers trodding through the rain. Today I was feeling distinctly sorry for the poor souls racing by in their cars!
We leave in the morning for vacation. I could say I'll be off on some exotic adventure - but I'm not sure exotic is the correct adjective. I'll be visiting the in-laws in the south-west mountains of Virginia - after spending 10 hours trapped in a car with three children. It will be hair-raising - how about that???
No computer access in the mountains - but plenty of time to do my hillwork! Hopefully my husband will have time to take pictures for the blog and website, too! I'll see you next week!
Don't forget my website:
We leave in the morning for vacation. I could say I'll be off on some exotic adventure - but I'm not sure exotic is the correct adjective. I'll be visiting the in-laws in the south-west mountains of Virginia - after spending 10 hours trapped in a car with three children. It will be hair-raising - how about that???
No computer access in the mountains - but plenty of time to do my hillwork! Hopefully my husband will have time to take pictures for the blog and website, too! I'll see you next week!
Don't forget my website:
Saturday, August 05, 2006
Life is Good!
I had my first group run today! Even the weather cooperated, and stayed in the 80's. I actually only went 2 miles, because I ended up with the group planning on doing a half-marathon. But the other group consisted of the trainer, two 18 year old male athletes, and a marine. A little out of my league! I'll do my 4 mile loop on Monday morning - hopefully a little faster than last week!
It's wild....I feel really good about myself and what I'm doing! And my body already seems stronger, more powerful.
Life is good.
Oh, yeah...check out my webpage at
It's wild....I feel really good about myself and what I'm doing! And my body already seems stronger, more powerful.
Life is good.
Oh, yeah...check out my webpage at
Thursday, August 03, 2006
"You have the right to remain silent...."
I confess...I did not run, walk or work out today...but had an adrenaline rush and speeding heartrate just the same.
A friend and I took our SIX children shopping, and then returned to our small, quiet town. Seriously, Halloween in this town (Denton, MD) is like a Norman Rockwell painting - tons of kids going to big old houses where folks are sitting with music, candy and good cheer. It's too, too cute.
Anyway...the kids were inside and we were unloading the tightly packed minivan when the road erupted with police cars, both local and state. They were pulling over an old car with 3 folks inside, and as we watched, ANOTHER group of cops - these guys wearing ski masks and flak vests labeled "Drug Task Force" ran to the scene - literally feet in front of us! (I must admit, I was hiding behind the corner of the house, ready to dive into the trashcans at the first evidence of a scuffle!) We eventually moved inside and watched the drama from the front window. The police sat a large bag of clear vials that they had removed from the girl (who was wearing really tight clothes and hiding the drugs where????) on top of my friend's car. The girl was carted away, another young man eventually uncuffed and set free.
I must say...I'm glad I live 3 miles OUT of town! Most of our excitement involves me chasing one of our dogs down the road - and the dog laughing. I lived in NYC for six years - and never got to witness a drug bust up close and personal (a sale, perhaps). I'm telling you...if you want real excitement...head for the country!
On another point...I may not have worked out today...but I worked on the CONCEPT of working out! (think that counts?) I called the YMCA with some questions about their family membership and their committment to their logo..."Building strong kids, strong families and strong communities". Yeah, as long as you don't homeschool. Currently they only offer childcare through age 5, children are not permitted to be unaccompanied in the facility, and children under 13 are not permitted in the classes or the fitness room. won't work for me. {{{Sigh}}}
Oh well, have to find a way to work out WITH chidren in tow!
A friend and I took our SIX children shopping, and then returned to our small, quiet town. Seriously, Halloween in this town (Denton, MD) is like a Norman Rockwell painting - tons of kids going to big old houses where folks are sitting with music, candy and good cheer. It's too, too cute.
Anyway...the kids were inside and we were unloading the tightly packed minivan when the road erupted with police cars, both local and state. They were pulling over an old car with 3 folks inside, and as we watched, ANOTHER group of cops - these guys wearing ski masks and flak vests labeled "Drug Task Force" ran to the scene - literally feet in front of us! (I must admit, I was hiding behind the corner of the house, ready to dive into the trashcans at the first evidence of a scuffle!) We eventually moved inside and watched the drama from the front window. The police sat a large bag of clear vials that they had removed from the girl (who was wearing really tight clothes and hiding the drugs where????) on top of my friend's car. The girl was carted away, another young man eventually uncuffed and set free.
I must say...I'm glad I live 3 miles OUT of town! Most of our excitement involves me chasing one of our dogs down the road - and the dog laughing. I lived in NYC for six years - and never got to witness a drug bust up close and personal (a sale, perhaps). I'm telling you...if you want real excitement...head for the country!
On another point...I may not have worked out today...but I worked on the CONCEPT of working out! (think that counts?) I called the YMCA with some questions about their family membership and their committment to their logo..."Building strong kids, strong families and strong communities". Yeah, as long as you don't homeschool. Currently they only offer childcare through age 5, children are not permitted to be unaccompanied in the facility, and children under 13 are not permitted in the classes or the fitness room. won't work for me. {{{Sigh}}}
Oh well, have to find a way to work out WITH chidren in tow!
Wednesday, August 02, 2006
Out of the Frying Pan...
I walked outside at 5:45 am this morning.....and my glasses fogged up!!! This is crazy! It felt like someone was throwing a damp heavy towel over my face! I went for a short bike ride (cross-training, anyone?), grateful for the artificial breeze. There's no way I could have run in this weather - my heart just isn't up to that abuse, yet! I used to fantasize about moving to Alaska - maybe I should re-consider my geography???
I have my first official training run this Saturday, in Salisbury. I must admit...I'm nervous. It's only 3 miles (did I just say ONLY???? WOW....I must be improving!) but it starts at 8 am - and it's certainly hot by then. I hope I don't embarrass myself too badly!
I really need another way to run and cross-train. I can't use the treadmill in this heat (no a/c) and it's too hot to take the kids biking (which is too slow, anyway). I'll figure it out. We may join the YMCA in September - which doesn't help me now. I know, I'll get an aerobic dvd! That will help my cardio - and can be done in air conditioning! Gentle people, we have a plan!
I'm surrounded by children wearing bathing suits and slathering on sunscreen - think they're trying to tell me something???
I have my first official training run this Saturday, in Salisbury. I must admit...I'm nervous. It's only 3 miles (did I just say ONLY???? WOW....I must be improving!) but it starts at 8 am - and it's certainly hot by then. I hope I don't embarrass myself too badly!
I really need another way to run and cross-train. I can't use the treadmill in this heat (no a/c) and it's too hot to take the kids biking (which is too slow, anyway). I'll figure it out. We may join the YMCA in September - which doesn't help me now. I know, I'll get an aerobic dvd! That will help my cardio - and can be done in air conditioning! Gentle people, we have a plan!
I'm surrounded by children wearing bathing suits and slathering on sunscreen - think they're trying to tell me something???
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