Saturday, August 05, 2006

Life is Good!

I had my first group run today! Even the weather cooperated, and stayed in the 80's. I actually only went 2 miles, because I ended up with the group planning on doing a half-marathon. But the other group consisted of the trainer, two 18 year old male athletes, and a marine. A little out of my league! I'll do my 4 mile loop on Monday morning - hopefully a little faster than last week!

It's wild....I feel really good about myself and what I'm doing! And my body already seems stronger, more powerful.

Life is good.

Oh, yeah...check out my webpage at



Wes said...

That is just a freakin fantastic story. You got my vote, and my money. I'll start putting something together for you.

The Un-Runner said...

Wow, thanks Wes! I really appreciate your support! It also makes me feel good that you're reading my blog and responding! (I'm not alone - wahoo!)

btw...the long version of the story is posted in the first blog entry (I think it's "The beginning of the Insanity).

Thanks, again!