Can you say, "OUCH!"? Let's see...yesterday I did some cross-training - biking. No big deal - except they just tarred and chipped our road - and biking on it is sort of like biking through....sand?...mud?.....quicksand??? At any rate - it's nasty! I could have walked faster than I was peddling! Only went 4 miles, and my legs were burning when I returned home. So much so that I misjudged my dismount and hit the concrete slab going into our garage. I was thrown forward, cracked my pubic bone on the bike (again with the OUCH) then fell off the bike into the mosquito magnet with the bike and my legs in a tangled heap. Yeesh.
This morning I arose at 5am to run. Dressed and prepared to leave - realized it was raining. Decided "real runners" don't let a little rain stop them, and went anyway! Yeah!
Did I mention it was dark? Really, really dark? Think dark country road, middle of nowhere, with a nasty re-chipped road (and no shoulders!). The cars were freaking me out - so I was hugging the edge of the road when one approached - sometimes stepping into the weeds. Since I couldn't see where I was going, I ended up wrenching my knee by stepping in a hole or a rut or something. I hobbled home and applied ice - it doesn't feel too bad at the moment.
The question is...I know people run in the dark. How??? What do I need? I didn't feel safe - and obviously wasn't. By the time it's light my husband is getting ready to leave the house and I have no time for a run.
By the way...I really, really hate the new road surface.
Happy Monday, everyone! If you're new, please check my cancer page at www.firstgiving.com/neversettle
Thank you!
Michelle, over at Back of the Pack, wears one of those little miner lamps designed specifically for runners. Not sure where you get them, but that's an idea. I personally have sidewalks all through my neighborhood, so running at night is not an issue for me.
Happy Monday :-) it's a bank holiday in the UK :-D no work!
It's really dark running around the village from October through to May over here. What I do is always wear a reflective vest over my running gear, and run carrying a LED torch(the batteries last forever)... seems to do the trick, I'm not pancake yet.
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