Thursday, August 24, 2006

Happy Days are Here Again!

What a difference a day makes! (to really get the effect - you MUST sing those 2 lines - go back - sing them.....I'll wait.........Thank you! Now we're having an actual chat - and you're being forced to listen to me sing. Ah.)

I'm doing MUCH better now - the marathon cleaning put the house under control - and I have a system for management that seems doable - but time will be the test. I did run that night - with three little kids and two small dogs. Our first family fitness run! (the kids finally got decent sneakers - New Balance) It was....interesting. I had two dogs on leashes in my left hand, and Gabriel hanging on to my right. We did a walk/slow jog/walk/slow walk/stop/slow jog/turn around cause kids are whining/walk kind of thing. It wasn't bad, for a first attempt. I think the dogs got the most exercise. (rat terrier and shitz tzu - needed lots of steps to keep up!)

Yesterday was Gabe's 5th birthday - and our 10th wedding anniversary. (how was THAT for good timing? Our third child was born on our 5th wedding anniversary - at home!) John took off work early and we all went to the zoo to celebrate.

I also managed to run 3 miles on the treadmill. I sloooowed down my jogging pace and am working on less frequent walk breaks. Oiy. I have so far to go. It's a good thing I have the marathon as a goal - I don't think I'd push myself otherwise.

And yet....when I run...I also keep on top of the house....which then allows me the space and organization to homeschool, to work, to create and to dream. The running and the house fell apart simultaneously - I wonder which triggers the other? Or does the mental funk come first - and everything falls apart around that? Hmmm...

Thank you for your support, and thanks for checking out my cancer page at


[rich] said...

It's always good to have a goal to aim for - I wouldn't drag myself out and about if it wasn't for races :-)

Keep up the good work. As for running with children, I've been taking our young 'un out on and off for a few months - It's a great time to have a chat. The UK runners magazine "RunnersWorld" had a section on young running this month, not sure if it's up on the web yet but the site is:


Wes said...

Excellent run on the mill! Also good to get the family involved. My 10 year old keeps asking me to run, but I have yet to get him out there. Every time I say, (x) miles, he says, "Nevermind!!"