Hooray! I've finally figured out how to upload a picture! Now to get it moved over to the "About Me" column. Hmmm....
I've been spending 30 minutes on the treadmill each day. I'll do longer runs twice a week. It's difficult to get 30 minutes without one or more children needing an immediate answer to mind-boggling questions such as, "Is it my turn on the computer?, Did you tell Gabe he could jump on the furniture? Can I eat candy until my eyes bug out???"
We attempted to get a picture with the children - as you can tell, 2/3 of the group aren't thrilled with the idea!

From left to right we have Kathryn (8), Jesse (7) and Gabriel (4). He'll be 5 next week. While we were out running around yesterday at least 5 different people informed my children that "School starts next week!" (Did you notice this is always imparted with a gleeful chuckle?) Anyway, I had to keep explaining that we homeschool - which just got confused looks. I'm not sure if they didn't understand the concept, or were shocked that I appeared normal but was, most certainly, insane. One guy talking to them was a math teacher who asked, "Do you have someone teaching you math???" [Duh! Whadda they need math for? They gots 10 fingers and toes to count on!] When he found out we were working on Fibonacci numbers, he suddenly looked interested. Yeesh.
Hmmm...the kids are all wearing swimsuits and sporting gooey white noses (a tad too much suncscreen) I guess that means my computer time is officially up!
1 comment:
Thanks for comming by my blog. As I mentioned previously, I'm definitely in for your Run for Cancer. Just got to make sure I get my donation in time before the race :-) Great looking family you got there.
If you are not on a running plan. Get one! Mine says I should be running 30 minutes twice a week, then I do a long run on Sunday. I'm up to 4.5 miles (scheduled).
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