Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Out of the Frying Pan...

I walked outside at 5:45 am this morning.....and my glasses fogged up!!! This is crazy! It felt like someone was throwing a damp heavy towel over my face! I went for a short bike ride (cross-training, anyone?), grateful for the artificial breeze. There's no way I could have run in this weather - my heart just isn't up to that abuse, yet! I used to fantasize about moving to Alaska - maybe I should re-consider my geography???

I have my first official training run this Saturday, in Salisbury. I must admit...I'm nervous. It's only 3 miles (did I just say ONLY???? WOW....I must be improving!) but it starts at 8 am - and it's certainly hot by then. I hope I don't embarrass myself too badly!

I really need another way to run and cross-train. I can't use the treadmill in this heat (no a/c) and it's too hot to take the kids biking (which is too slow, anyway). I'll figure it out. We may join the YMCA in September - which doesn't help me now. I know, I'll get an aerobic dvd! That will help my cardio - and can be done in air conditioning! Gentle people, we have a plan!

I'm surrounded by children wearing bathing suits and slathering on sunscreen - think they're trying to tell me something???


Brooke said...

the Tae-Bo bootcamp series is awesome!!

Wes said...

LOL. Nah, you get out there and run in the heat. If you can't run, walk. Your body will expend more energy in the heat, and you'll adjust. It will make it alot easier when you run in cooler weather too! If its really hot, take along a couple of bottles of water. Good luck on your run! 8 AM sounds like a delicious time to start.

From Hotlanta :-)


The Un-Runner said...

Thanks for the advice, folks! (I certainly need it!) I'll try the Tae-Bo tapes.....and do whatever I can do in the heat...even if it means walking!


Perry said...

If you don't feel like running, you might try some running alternative exercises. This is a list of things I do and the amount of miles I count for the time spent doing them.

Alternative exercises to running